个人 & 专业发展

At the Sidhu学校 we believe that leadership and career 发展 matters.

个人与专业发展系列(PPD) is a four-credit program closely linked to the Sidhu学校 business curriculum. It is an innovative, integrated, 发展al advising/coaching program designed to unleash and nurture each student’s personal and professional potential.

参与项目: Every undergraduate student in the Sidhu商学院 and 领导 at Wilkes University, whether in accounting, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, finance or sports management, takes part in the 个人 and 专业发展 Program.

为什么重要: 雇主 in business, government, military and social organizations all agree that superior performance depends on effective leadership up and down the line. 这个电话 for leaders who embody self-awareness, empathy, emotional intelligence, vision, integrity 和同情.

研究表明,优秀的领导者是真诚的. 他们了解自己 长处和价值观,以及它们对他人的影响. 他们有能力,有爱心, 弹性和一致性. 他们倾听,分析,并能提供视野和能量 和动力. These are capabilities, 技能 and behaviors the Sidhu学校 seeks 培养:培养学生.

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The PPD program provides an environment where each student can link academic content in their curriculum with career planning, extracurricular activities and leadership 发展. Each student has the opportunity to build a strong professional network, face social and business challenges, and practice meaningful leadership.

Throughout the PPD program, students undertake ongoing self-assessment, build their emotional intelligence, strengthen team-building 能力, engage in fieldwork/career preparation experiences, learn to take advantage of coaching/mentoring activities, and formulate 发展al action plans and a leadership portfolio. 在这个过程中, they discover strengths and areas for improvement, nurture their passions, and facilitate 他们自己真正的领导之旅.

The 个人 and 专业发展 journey consists of two bookend courses (PPD 101 and PPD 401), which are consistent for every student throughout the program. These two courses provide introductory and capstone experiences that build the foundation PPD项目. 此外,学生可以选择该领域的一学分课程 of leadership competency and career focus, to customize the program to their specific 发展需求. 一学分的选修课程每学期都有变化,并且是讲授的 主题专家.

The PPD Series begins with 个人 and 专业发展 101, which adds value and depth to your learning program by explicitly targeting personal and professional competency assessment, 发展, practice and evaluation with a strong emphasis on self-awareness, working in teams, and an introduction to emotional intelligence 能力.

  • 介绍学校和课程
  • 团队和自我意识
  • MBTI和人格风格
  • 领导风格
  • Integrated Management Experience/Social Awareness linkage and support
  • 情商
  • 角色扮演
  • 展示工作和成就的海报

“推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Ranked 25th In the Nation for Economic Value by The Economist”

“The median earnings projected by The Economist are $49,900, showing that attending Wilkes boosts the earnings power of its graduates above expectations at +$8,250.”

The Economist listed pharmacy, business and engineering as among the most desirable fields of study for predicting future success – all majors offered at Wilkes

The New York-based financial technology company Smart Asset recently ranked Wilkes among the top schools where graduates earn the highest starting salaries.

The University was ranked highest in Pennsylvania in MONEY magazine’s “Best Colleges 为了你的钱.”
Wilkes also was ranked as one of the top 20 Pennsylvania colleges with the greatest lifetime return on investment by the web site AffordableCollegesOnline.org.

One credit special studies and experiences in leadership focused areas of personal 专业发展. 本课程将提供实习机会 整个学期.

  • 重新开始
  • 求职信
  • 模拟面试
  • 技能的库存
  • 优点/缺点库存
  • 工作价值观
  • 实习的准备
  • 企业文化案例研究
  • 参加校园招聘


One credit special studies and experiences in leadership focused areas of personal 专业发展. 主题将与领导力问题,领导力有关 技能,或者领导力. 每学期的一学分课程各不相同 由学科专家授课.

  • E-portfolio培训 & 创建
  • 个人使命宣言/职业哲学
  • Networking event with professional critique/professional mock interviewing
  • 电梯游说
  • 指导
  • 专业的演讲者
  • 商务礼仪回顾
  • 商务礼仪午宴及主讲嘉宾:

96% of outside professionals stated said PPD students displayed strong verbal and communication 技能

The PPD Series adds value and depth to your learning program by targeting personal and professional competency assessment, 发展, practice, and evaluation. 产后抑郁症- 401 continues the Life 计划 and prepares students for the 发展 of a 个人 Learning 计划. 学生个人 & 专业发展401将出席公司现场 visits throughout northeastern PA to learn and observe Business and 领导 from some of our outstanding Leaders through touring sites and engaging in a small group 与商务人士讨论. 这为我们的学生提供了宝贵的经验 and exposure to different industries and career fields and open their minds and their 专业网络带来令人兴奋的机会.

80% of students agreed their PPD experience helped to develop and enhance verbal and 专业的沟通技巧.

90% of our students better understand the application of leadership 技能.


(570) 408-4711