Student Organizations

Pharmacy Clubs at Wilkes University

预科药房俱乐部的目标是介绍学生,有志于进入 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜内斯比特药学院给他们的机会将贯穿始终 pharmacy school and in their future careers. The club is actively involved in organizing 学生活动以及社区志愿服务. Members will 能够从药学专业的学生那里获得有用的信息 program as well as faculty from the School of Pharmacy. Students also have the opportunity to speak with several pharmacists at a panel discussion.

Lambda Kappa Sigma是一个拥抱理想的国际药房兄弟会 领导力,服务,学生和药剂师之间的合作,以促进 professional and personal growth. The Wilkes University Alpha Phi chapter holds a 各种专业和社会活动贯穿全年,包括午餐和 学习信息会议,女童子军急救徽章活动,以及更多! 

Kappa Psi医药兄弟会是历史最悠久,规模最大的专业药房 fraternity in the world. Kappa Psi has thousands of members who are actively practicing in many facets of pharmacy. Kappa Psi strives to promote the field of pharmacy through the benefits of fraternal affiliation and innovation. At Wilkes University, the Delta 欧米克隆分会参与了许多专业和社区服务项目. Once you become a brother in Kappa Psi, you are a brother for life.

药学学生参议院是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜内斯比特学院的管理机构 of Pharmacy. Its sovereignty oversees each pharmacy club and their members. Senate 主持许多活动,包括招聘会、药房舞会和学期结束 student body meeting. Positions held include team leaders, class presidents and vice presidents, and an executive board. Senate also gives you an opportunity to serve 在教职员工委员会确保我们的学生的声音被听到! 

PPA是一个专门为药剂师和学生药剂师服务的组织 in Pennsylvania. PPA成员可以参加诸如写信活动之类的活动 和立法日,与他们的立法者见面,教育他们重要的问题 facing pharmacy in Pennsylvania. Students can also participate in fundraising events, educational sessions, and community projects. PPA also offers Midyear and Annual meeting 让学生们参与进来,建立人际关系网,获得实习机会, and much more!

APhA-ASP是一个为学生提供各种医院工作机会的组织, 社区,管理护理,以及你可能感兴趣的任何其他药学领域. APhA每年都会在年中会议和年会上提供交流机会. APhA还为学生提供了一种参与病人护理项目的方式 由糖尿病手术、心脏手术、免疫手术组成 many more!

NCPA是一个专注于社区药房实践的组织. Activities include 血压检查,老年人宾果游戏,棕色包事件等等! 每年10月举行一次会议,允许独立药剂师和学生 互动——一个为你的未来建立联系和网络的绝佳机会. 独立药房提供各种服务,如MTM诊所,免疫接种, 耐用的医疗设备,糖尿病教育,血压监测,复合 services. 
学生分会或SSHP(学生卫生系统药剂师协会)是为 有兴趣了解医院或其他卫生保健机构职业的学生. 学生可以参加的一些活动包括实习交易会和实习 信息发布会,促进研究生专业化的机会. In 此外,该组织还举办临床技能竞赛,参与社区活动 service events, and coordinates patient care projects. ASHP also offers networking 通过每月与宾夕法尼亚州东北部的晚宴机会 Society of Health-System Pharmacists (NEPSHP).

AMCP推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜分会的使命是教育学生,大学, 以及社区关于保险公司和其他主要医疗机构如何 allocate funds and provide benefits to their members. AMCP provides opportunities 通过服务项目、演讲嘉宾和信息来了解这个领域 sessions.  管理式护理原则是有价值的工具,可以应用于任何领域 of pharmacy.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜PPAG分会的目标是提高对儿科的认识 并鼓励其成员在工作中促进儿童的福祉, school, and in life. PPAG offers students an opportunity to educate children on health 和医学,同时更多地了解这个有益的职业机会. PPAG takes 参与支持常见儿童问题的活动,包括儿童肥胖 Awareness Month, Autism Awareness Month, and Healthy Kids Day.
基督教国际药剂师协会是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一个新组织. CPFI是一个致力于为药剂师服务的专业组织和全球性部门, pharmacy students, and those in all areas of pharmacy practice. Prospective events 包括演讲嘉宾、SD-IPPE机会和社区服务活动. 
Phi Lambda Sigma的使命是通过认识支持药房领导的承诺 leaders and fostering leadership development. Prior to acceptance into the society, you must complete an application process. The top leaders are then selected based on the leadership qualities they possess. As a member of PLS, you can participate 准备秋季药房迎新周和秋季药房周 Spring. 其他活动还包括一年一度的药学学校服装义卖,内斯比特 Cup Volunteer Competition, and a CV Review. 

Rho Chi是一个学术荣誉协会,由每个药房的前20%组成 class. 排名前15%的学生在P2学年的春季入学,另外5%的学生在第二年春季入学 spring of P3 year. Rho Chi takes part in a variety of events, including health fairs, 同侪辅导,向教育专业学生介绍突发卫生事件,以及主持 the P3 APPE poster fair.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! We offer tutoring services for multiple pharmacy courses, and can help you achieve a passing grade or bump that 3.5 to a 4.0!

Other Opportunities

  • Internships
  • Research with professors
  • Volunteer work
  • Networking
  • Professional conferences
  • A second major or minor
  • Scholarships
  • Teaching Assistant positions
  • Study abroad
  • Mentoring