项目要求 - Doctorate of Education (EdD)

If you're interested in applying to the 低住院率教育博士项目 at Wilkes, please review the following program requirements.


Students in the program can choose from these specializations:

  • 12年义务教育管理 with Pennsylvania Superintendent's Letter of Eligibility (must provide verification of six years of satisfactory school experience, of which at least three must be in a supervisory or administrative capacity.)
  • 教育领导 with one of five concentration choices:
    • 教育技术
    • 课程 & 指令
    • 领导的研究
    • 校长领导 & 认证
    • 教育环境 & 安全

所有学生都必须复习 学术诚信政策 (.pdf) 并完成适当的 确认形式 博士生.



领导力| 9学分

  • ED 610教育领导者道德
  • 领导力、多样性; & 社会变革
  • ED 614 Organizational and Leadership Theory

研究| 12学分

  • ED 681 Introduction to Educational 研究
  • ED 682 Quantitative Methods for Educational 研究 I
  • ED 683 Qualitative Methods in Educational 研究 I
  • ED 685 Quantitative Methods for Educational 研究 II OR ED 686 Qualitative Methods in Educational 研究 II

毕业论文| 9学分

  • ED 697 Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3 credits, year 3 low-residency)
  • ED 698 Dissertation Proposal (3 credits)
  • 学位论文(3学分)


24学分 leading to Pennsylvania superintendent certification.

  • ED 615 Professional Seminar in 教育领导 (45-hour field experience & 低居住)
  • ED 625专业发展 & 监督(45小时的现场经验 & 研究)
  • ED 627 Advanced Issues in Educational Law (45-hour field experience & 研究)
  • ED 629 Strategic Thinking and Planning (45-hour field experience & 低居住)
  • ED 654学校财务 & Facilities Administration (45-hour field experience & 研究)
  • ed650课程设计 & 指令al Models (45-hour field experience)
  • ED 659 Superintendent Internship (90-hour internship)
  • One 3-credit elective from available doctoral level courses




  • ED 615 Professional Seminar in 教育领导 (year 1 low-residency)
  • ED 626 Politics and Policy for Educational Leaders or ED 616 Contemporary Trends & 全球教育问题(英. 群)
  • ED 629 Strategic Thinking and Planning (year 2 low-residency)
  • 认知与学习

When pursuing the 教育领导 track, you may choose from five concentrations (15学分).


Recommended for students who wish to become a faculty member in higher education or work in the area of curriculum design and development.

  • ed650课程设计 and 指令al Models
  • ed670课程理论
  • ED 673 Controversies in 课程, 指令, and Assessment
  • One 3-credit elective from available doctoral level courses which can include:
    • ED 679 Internship in 课程与教学 (90 hours)


Recommended for students who wish to become a faculty member in higher education or work in the field of educational technology in public or private institutions.

  • ED 635 Integrating Technology for Diverse Learners
  • ed643趋势 & Innovations in 指令al Technology
  • ED 645 Technology Supported Assessment
  • One 3-credit elective from available doctoral level courses which can include:
    • ED 639 Internship in 指令al Technology (90 hours)


Recommended for students who currently work in or would like to work in higher education or in the field of educational leadership as a faculty member or as a member of the 专业或行政人员.

  • ED 620 Educational Institutions and Systems
  • Three 3-credit electives from available doctoral courses which can include a 90 hour internship tailored to meet student's career goals

教育环境 & 安全

Recommended for students who currently work in K-12 as teachers or leaders or who would like to work in higher education in the field of educational leadership as a faculty member or as a member of the 专业或行政人员.

  • ED 638 Cybersecurity for Educational Leaders
  • ED 674安全 & Social-Emotional Learning for Educational Leaders
  • ED 675 Organizational Climate, Healthy & 安全
  • One 3-credit elective from available doctoral level courses

校长领导 & 认证 (Available to international students who meet 入学要求)

Recommended for students who wish to become a PA certified K-12 Principal, 课程 Director, Supervisor of Pupil Services or Special Education Director in Pennsylvania K-12公立或私立学校. PA certificates may be transferred to other states using current Department of Education reciprocity agreements.

24 required credits leading to Pennsylvania principal certification include:

  • ED 523 Administrative Leadership in 课程与教学 (30 field hours)
  • ED 571 Special Education Programming and Administration (30 field hours)
  • ED 573 Evaluation of Educational 项目 (30 field hours)
  • ed575校长校法
  • ED 576 School Management and Communications (30 field hours)
  • ED 578 工作人员 Development and Supervision (30 field hours)
  • ED 592 A and ED 592 B: Administrative Internship and Applied 研究 Project
    • 每人三个学分,最后修.
    • 每门课程实习90小时.
    • Part A and B must be taken consecutively.

Courses in this program are cross-listed with the Master of Science program. 二次 顾问:博士. Charles Smargiassi Chair/Assistant Professor of Education Program Director

Learn more or request information about our 教育学博士课程.