Paying For College

We Can't Wait to See You!

高等教育是你能做的最好的投资. Why? Because a Wilkes degree pays dividends to your life and career. 这就是为什么我们一直排在 top 10% for our return on investment.1 这意味着我们的毕业生将继续实现他们所受教育的职业和薪水 well worth the cost.

通过仔细的计划,你可以探索各种各样的财务选择来找到 帮助你实现教育梦想的资源. As part of our 我们承诺帮助您尽可能地获得推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜教育 这里有一些选择可以帮助你支付成本并实现你的目标.

新入学的2024年秋季学期的学生应该会收到 4月份的经济资助,等待推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜收到你的 FAFSA. 在你的录取通知书中包括了一般的选择,以资助你的教育部分 其他经济资助不包括的费用. The additional resources on this page 也许能帮你支付剩余的教育费用.



我们将联邦直接补贴贷款和非补贴贷款列为您的援助来源 经济援助奖励信,它们是根据你的经济援助录取通知书计算的. To 确定你的资格,你必须提交联邦学生免费申请 Aid (FAFSA) each academic year.


  • Direct Subsidized Loan如在你是学生期间,这笔贷款不会产生利息 enrolled. 利息将开始累积,当你不再登记至少 part-time. 你必须证明你有经济上的需要才能被考虑补贴贷款.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loan在你这个学生入学期间,这笔贷款的利息就会累积起来. 获得无补贴贷款不需要财务需求.

了解更多关于联邦学生直接贷款的信息 external website

Interest Rate (Fixed)

5.50% through June 30, 2024

利息是你向贷款人支付的额外的钱,作为借钱的成本. Direct Loans are “daily interest” loans. On daily interest loans, interest accrues (adds up) every day.

Origination Fee

1.057% through Sept. 30, 2024

贷款费用来自于支付给你的金额 you’re in school. 这意味着你收到的钱将少于你支付的金额 actually borrow.

2024-25年的利率和发起费用将由 the federal government on July 1, 2024.

Accept Your Federal Student Loan(s)

如果您有资格获得联邦直接贷款并希望首次接受, you must complete your Direct Loan entrance counseling external website and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) external website online between July 1 and Aug. 1 确保在秋季学费余额到期之前有足够的处理时间. The student 将需要使用他们的学生FSA ID和密码(与填写 the FAFSA).

如果你有资格获得联邦直接贷款,并希望第一次接受,你 must complete Direct Loan entrance counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) online to accept the loan(s):

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学生金融服务办公室将收到电子通知 that you have completed the requirements.

Parents should NOT complete the requirements on your behalf. This federal requirement is designed to help you 了解你的权利和还款责任.

NOTE:虽然一学年的最大借款潜力 student is $5,500, the 1.其他地方引用的0.057%的原创费将导致 a net loan amount of $5,442. 你有责任偿还你的全部款项 借的,而不仅仅是你收到的钱.

Decline Your Federal Student Loan(s)

如果你不需要联邦学生贷款,你不需要接受联邦学生贷款 funding. 要拒绝全部或部分联邦直接学生贷款,请发送 一封来自你推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学生邮箱的邮件 主题是“拒绝学生直接贷款”."


  1. 贷款类型(资助及/或无资助).
  2. 下降的数量,无论是学期还是学年的下降.
  3. Your Wilkes Identification Number (WIN).


Parents are NOT 能够代表学生拒绝或接受学生贷款.

Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan

该计划允许信誉良好的家长代表您寻求贷款援助. 家长(借款人)将接受美国银行的信用检查.S. Department of Education.

你的父母可以借的最大PLUS贷款金额是出席费用减去 any other financial aid you receive. 你的父母将负责偿还 this loan. 本金和/或利息的偿还可以推迟到你之后 至少有一半时间毕业或不再入学.

了解更多关于家长直接PLUS贷款的信息 external website

Interest Rate (Fixed)

8.05% through June 30, 2024

利息是你向贷款人支付的额外的钱,作为借钱的成本. Direct Loans are "daily interest" loans. On daily interest loans, interest accrues (adds up) every day.

Origination Fee

4.228% through Sept. 30, 2024

贷款费用是贷款金额的一个百分比,并按比例扣除 each loan disbursement. 这是处理新贷款申请时收取的费用.

2024-25年的利率和发起费用将由 the federal government on July 1, 2024.

How to Apply

  • To complete the 家长PLUS助学贷款申请.gov external website,你的父母必须使用家长的FSA ID(不是你的学生的FSA ID)登录。.
  • Your parent should apply between June 1 and Aug. 1 确保在秋季学费余额到期之前有足够的处理时间. We recommend 你可以申请整个学年,这样就不用再提交第二份了 application for spring semester balances.
  • Select the correct award year or semester in which the student is enrolling; if enrolling 对于2024年秋季,奖励年份将是2024-2025年. 
  • 如果需要额外的资金来支付间接费用,如交通和个人费用 与教育相关的费用,你的父母可以通过申请增加资金数额 a Parent PLUS loan.
  • Calculate the origination fee of 4.你总贷款金额的228% net loan amount will be needed. 例如,父母借了5000美元的PLUS贷款 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜将获得4,789美元的贷款.
  • 如果申请被批准,你的父母必须填写一份 Master Promissory Note (MPN) external website.
Denial, Endorser, and/or Appeal

如果家长被拒绝家长PLUS贷款,家长可以获得背书 没有不良信用记录并同意偿还贷款的人 如果父母不偿还)或选择上诉的决定和文件减轻 有关父母的不良信用记录的情况,以满意 the U.S. Department of Education. 一旦这些行动方案中的任何一个被 完成后,家长还需要完成PLUS信用咨询.

Please contact the Office of Student Financial Services 提醒我们,如果有一个计划,以追求直接PLUS贷款获得背书 or appealing the denial decision.

如果家长被拒绝PLUS贷款,并且无法上诉或获得背书,您将无法申请PLUS贷款 (学生)自动有资格再借4,000美元 federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

Private/Alternative Loans

私人学生贷款可以通过非附属的私人贷款机构提供 with the U.S. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜教育系. A private loan allows 你(与信誉良好的共同签署人)或受抚养学生的父母借款 for educational expenses. 申请人/签署人将接受与 each loan lender.

在大多数情况下,本金和/或利息的偿还可以推迟到以后 you graduate or are no longer attending. 条款、条件和利率各不相同 from lender to lender. Please read each lenders disclosures.

要探索和申请私人/替代贷款,请联系您的银行或信用合作社 讨论他们的教育贷款选择和/或审查贷款人的选择 external website. This lender list is offered for your convenience; Wilkes University does not specifically endorse any particular lender on this list. 贷款机构全权负责 ,以便将他们的资料上载及更新至ELM精选网站. You are not limited to lenders on this list.

We recommend that you apply between June 1 and Aug. 1 确保在秋季学费结余到期前有足够的处理时间. We strongly suggest that you apply for the entire academic year 为了消除提交第二份春季学期余额申请的需要. 一旦贷款人通知推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,需要两到四周的处理时间 of your eligibility.

如果你需要支付间接成本,比如书籍、用品和交通费用, 您可以通过贷款将资金添加到请求的金额中. The maximum loan amount you 或者家长可以借学费减去任何其他经济援助 you receive.

Learn more about private loans

Books and Course Materials are Covered

As a Wilkes student, your book and course materials are paid for 上课前就准备好了,这样你就少想一件事了.

Learn More about Colonels are Covered

Outside Scholarship Opportunities

我们鼓励你寻找额外的外部(或私人)奖学金,并避免 奖学金搜索实体收取费用的参与. When searching scholarships, 确保奖学金的标准符合你的大学和个人特质.

Wilkes also partners with Scholarship Universe external website 帮助我们现在的学生轻松连接到私人奖学金申请 并且有可能匹配内部的奖学金机会. New incoming 学生可以在缴纳入学保证金后创建一个账户. 



你也可以联系当地的民间团体、父母的雇主等., to inquire about additional scholarship opportunities. The Community Foundation Locator external website 也可以帮助你在你的地区找到可能提供奖学金的基金会吗 students from their hometown.

Billing and Payment Information

财务处每学期都会生成电子账单. Your bill will be available 每学期开始前八周通过在线学生门户网站.


  • Fall 2024: Monday, Aug. 12, 2024
  • Spring 2025: Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025

Learn How to Pay Your Tuition

Interactive Student Financial Checklist

Important 2024-25 Dates

June 1申请联邦家长PLUS贷款和/或私人贷款.

新生可以通过完成入学申请来接受联邦直接学生贷款 咨询及主本票(MPN).
July 10

Fall bills available on the Wilkes Student Portal for registered students.

每月付款计划对秋季入学开放. First payment due Aug. 15, 2024.

Aug. 122024年秋季学期学费到期.
Dec. 9

Spring bills available on the Wilkes Student Portal for registered students.

每月付款计划对春季入学开放. First payment due Jan. 15, 2025.

Jan. 2Spring 2025 semester payment due.
May 1

Deadline to submit the 2024-25 FAFSA.


财务长办公室,米勒大厅| 570-408-4960 |

Wilkes University Payment Plan

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的付款计划通过允许你划分来简化预算 秋季学期的全部或部分学期余额分为五个相等的每月付款 (8月至12月),如果想继续注册,每月支付五笔等额的费用 for the spring semester (January to May). 你必须登记分期付款 plan prior to the start of each semester.

您可以单独使用付款计划,也可以在列出的任何贷款计划之外使用付款计划 above.

该计划不附带利息费用,但每次将收取25美元的费用 semester you participate in the plan.

付款计划的登记可以通过 Wilkes Portal. The 2024-25 semester enrollment will open:

  • Fall 2024: July 10, 2024
  • Spring 2025: Dec. 9, 2024


The FERPA 为学生提供有关其教育记录的某些权利. In order 供大学职员讨论或发布具体的学术或财务信息 to a family member(s), please complete the Release of Information form electronically through our registrar's office. Details will be provided at orientation.

Don't Stress. We're here to help!

Please contact us with any questions.

学生金融服务办公室,Capin Hall